Saturday, August 11, 2012


Precious this time is, Sounds of little one crying;  Soothing the sound of laughing is How amazing this time is,  How cute her giggles are, Replies of "ga gaing"; Letting me know her needs With the trust i will understand. This world so new to her She will look with her big eyes Sleepless nights are amusing too, So sweet, so small  This will go by so fast How precious this time is.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Final Assignment Ideas

                        Our final assignment is going to be about “The Hunger Games” a novel by Suzzane Collins. For this assignment we have to choose a character other than Katniss, from the novel and write about how this character sees what’s happening in the novel. We also have to show their point of views, how they are taking things happening with the main character “Katniss” in this novel and what their feelings are towards her struggles. I’m planning to write my paper from “Peeta”’s point of view , because I think he is the one who saved Katniss’s life so many times; and he was the closest one who was feeling Katniss’s pain, what she is going through. Peeta never waited for a minute when it came to save Katniss’s life. Peeta loved Katniss from so long, as Suzzane Collins showed us in her novel over and over again that he was with Katniss throughout the hardest parts of her life. These sacrifices, love, and affection of Peeta for Katniss made me write my paper about him. I will create scenes from Peeta’s view, which were in novel explained from Katniss’s point of view. I will write what Peeta’s feelings were for Katniss in those certain scenes, and what made him to do such things for Katniss. Peeta was scared for going in Hunger Games but yet he was with Katniss, and beside of his fear of dying, he prioritizes Katniss’s life on his own.  Explaining and writing about Peeta’s point of view and showing his true feelings which were showed in novel in a successful manner will be a big challenge for me.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Reaction to Jezebel's Article

         The Hunger Games novel written by Suzanne Collins, it’s a very interesting novel that keeps the readers interest up till the end. There were many articles written about the movie based on ‘The Hunger Games’. Articles were written about fans that were being racist towards the character “Rue”. As Jezebel wrote in this article that it’s very disappointing how people are racist in today’s world. People were tweeting  about this book and the rue character that, they weren’t sad when rue died. And it didn’t kept their interest for reading this novel as soon as they found out rue is black. As per jezebel she believes that people think that black people can never be good they have to be violent, or if they are playing a character in the movie it has to be bad or villainous. She also told us about how different movies did business on their first weekend, and how “The Hunger Games” didn’t do much business. Because, for most people “The Hunger Games” movie was ruined when they saw all good character in the movie were black.  People actually believed that it would’ve been way better if the good characters like Thresh, Cinna and Rue were white. Jezebel wrote in this article that people were mad about wasting their time, emotions and tears when they cried for Rue’s death. It’s shocking that in today’s world people like this exists, who still believes on the color or cast. It’s surprising that the color of someone’s skin determines the good or bad intentions for them. If they are white they are good, they are born to be good and if they are black they have to be bad or villainous. I feel that Jezebel’s concern is valid since people came up with the questions like why black characters in the book have to be good. When now in this century when we talk about electronic media, Iphones, Facebooks, Twitter, hundreds of channels on tv that shows us different parts of the world and people from all over the world, we still live in this racist world. In this world people with these kind of racist thoughts are living between us. So what’s the difference is,in this century and the last century. Does our minds are still stuck in that time where black people were use to be slaves of white people?

Friday, July 13, 2012


Precious this time is
Sounds of little one crying;
Soothing the sound of laughing is
How amazing this time is,
Sleepless nights are amusing too,
So sweet, so small
This will go by so fast:
How precious this time is.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Oscar Wilde's "Importance of Being Earnest"

       "Importance Of Being Earnest" was written by Oscar Wilde, in this novel he talks about how people from Victorian age behaved and what custom they carried. In this play things that confuses me and interests me is the conversation between Algernon and Jack. How they are friends visiting each other, yet not showing their true self to each other. for example: Jack was hiding who "Cecily" is, when Algernon asked about her name after seeing it on Jack's cigarette case. After, investigating about it Jack explained him about his fake name "Earnest" and how he is interested in Alergnon's cousin "Gwendolen"and who actually the "cecily" is.
         One of the scenes where Lady Bracknell investigate Jack, after she saw him proposing her daughter Gwendolen, she asks questions like where he lives? what he do for living? how much money he makes....and so on. For me it is interesting Because, nowadays when two people wants to get marry they don't have to go through these process of "approval from families". How it was important in old days and how children use to listen to their parents is pretty interesting. I agree with it that its not the case in every family or every culture, but majority of us do what we want to do with our lives, or with whom we want to spend it, its not important with whom our families will be agreeing with.
          There's a long conversation between Jack and Algernon about their cigarette case and concept of marriage. In this conversation I feel that they are in a power struggle to win the argument, just for the sake of ego to prove that, one of them is rite and experienced and other one is wrong. From my point of view winning arguments, and ego shouldn't be important than our friends or relationship. It weakens the relationships. Everybody does have different prospective of living their lives, and we all will have different experiences; but it doesn't mean we have to let our friends or family down just because we-know-it-all.

Friday, June 29, 2012