Friday, July 13, 2012


Precious this time is
Sounds of little one crying;
Soothing the sound of laughing is
How amazing this time is,
Sleepless nights are amusing too,
So sweet, so small
This will go by so fast:
How precious this time is.

1 comment:

  1. Hello again, Nabba :)

    I would like to ask you, which O'Hara poem inspired you, if it was any particular one?
    I think for one thing you could definitely extend this into a much longer poem if you so chose! I am noticing, as I am reading O'Hara's work so as to understand your assignment, that he seems to choose a broad subject as his topic and title and fills his poems with minute details from his life at that moment. You've chosen your broad topic to be "Time" and I enjoy your idea about how "sleepless nights are amusing too," and I would love to hear more about it. I would encourage you to add much detail, particularly about the "little one crying" since it seems like something O'Hara might describe further, almost having a conversation with the subject. What is interesting is as I read your poem, I would imagine you having a soft conversation with yourself - maybe imagine you were having the same sort of conversation with your reader, much like telling a story. I hope that helps you create some details :)
    Also just as a suggestion, you might try line breaks as O'Hara uses. I like how you've broken up your lines with punctuation, so perhaps a line break would take it even a step further!

    All the best
