Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Oscar Wilde's "Importance of Being Earnest"

       "Importance Of Being Earnest" was written by Oscar Wilde, in this novel he talks about how people from Victorian age behaved and what custom they carried. In this play things that confuses me and interests me is the conversation between Algernon and Jack. How they are friends visiting each other, yet not showing their true self to each other. for example: Jack was hiding who "Cecily" is, when Algernon asked about her name after seeing it on Jack's cigarette case. After, investigating about it Jack explained him about his fake name "Earnest" and how he is interested in Alergnon's cousin "Gwendolen"and who actually the "cecily" is.
         One of the scenes where Lady Bracknell investigate Jack, after she saw him proposing her daughter Gwendolen, she asks questions like where he lives? what he do for living? how much money he makes....and so on. For me it is interesting Because, nowadays when two people wants to get marry they don't have to go through these process of "approval from families". How it was important in old days and how children use to listen to their parents is pretty interesting. I agree with it that its not the case in every family or every culture, but majority of us do what we want to do with our lives, or with whom we want to spend it, its not important with whom our families will be agreeing with.
          There's a long conversation between Jack and Algernon about their cigarette case and concept of marriage. In this conversation I feel that they are in a power struggle to win the argument, just for the sake of ego to prove that, one of them is rite and experienced and other one is wrong. From my point of view winning arguments, and ego shouldn't be important than our friends or relationship. It weakens the relationships. Everybody does have different prospective of living their lives, and we all will have different experiences; but it doesn't mean we have to let our friends or family down just because we-know-it-all.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, Nabba!

    Great opening sentence, I think it gave a very good broad overview of your subject and introduced what you were going to be writing about promptly and effectively. I would recommend that you simply carry on from there; you have a couple of different ideas in your first paragraph that seem to jump around a little bit, but that can easily be turned into a seamless stream of thought with just a little bit of re-organization (and I think with a little bit of grammar revision, the organization will come very easily)! For example, if you gave maybe another line or two of summary after your first sentence, then pointed out the scene about Jack hiding "Cecily" from Algernon and proceeded to explain "this interested and confused me because..." I enjoyed your analysis and input on the scenario, when you said "they are friends visiting each other, yet not showing their true self to each other," it shows me your point of view and why you chose to elaborate on that particular part, great job. Feel free to expand that thought!
    I really liked your second paragraph - your comparison of life in the story to our lives today is wonderful and I could really tell that subject interested you. I would say however that overall, I need a little bit more summary since I have not read the novel myself, and I think a [cited] quote would be very helpful here!
    Your analysis is very good and you have many lovely ideas here in your post, but unfortunately I feel as though you didn't entirely do justice to the original assignment, since you lack quote or reference to the reaction to Wilde's novel. Reading the reaction piece, I feel that it focuses very much on the fixation the men have on the ladies and the ladies have on their idealized "Ernest," and from your explanation I didn't really understand the significance of these infatuations, although you have very nice insight on the relationship between Jack and Algernon. You're also missing a direct quote and mla citation!
    All-in-all, great ideas but just try to keep on task and organized. I'm happy to help if I can.

