Friday, August 3, 2012

Final Assignment Ideas

                        Our final assignment is going to be about “The Hunger Games” a novel by Suzzane Collins. For this assignment we have to choose a character other than Katniss, from the novel and write about how this character sees what’s happening in the novel. We also have to show their point of views, how they are taking things happening with the main character “Katniss” in this novel and what their feelings are towards her struggles. I’m planning to write my paper from “Peeta”’s point of view , because I think he is the one who saved Katniss’s life so many times; and he was the closest one who was feeling Katniss’s pain, what she is going through. Peeta never waited for a minute when it came to save Katniss’s life. Peeta loved Katniss from so long, as Suzzane Collins showed us in her novel over and over again that he was with Katniss throughout the hardest parts of her life. These sacrifices, love, and affection of Peeta for Katniss made me write my paper about him. I will create scenes from Peeta’s view, which were in novel explained from Katniss’s point of view. I will write what Peeta’s feelings were for Katniss in those certain scenes, and what made him to do such things for Katniss. Peeta was scared for going in Hunger Games but yet he was with Katniss, and beside of his fear of dying, he prioritizes Katniss’s life on his own.  Explaining and writing about Peeta’s point of view and showing his true feelings which were showed in novel in a successful manner will be a big challenge for me.

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